Coastal Erosion Simulations in Thailand

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There are researches utilized beach evolution models to analyze coastal erosion. Doungpan and Charusrojthanadech [1], for example, analyzed the safety of Sanchan Beach to a storm surge by using a numerical model. A bathymetry change model proposed by Ca et al. [2] was used. They confirmed that existing erosion countermeasures are not able to assure the beach from a storm surge of 10 years of the return period. They used the same model to find the best solution for the beach; they concluded that a beach nourishment is the most proper solution. Silarom et al. [3] used a line model to predict long-term beach evolution in Chumphon Beach, Chumphon Province. They found that jetties for a navigation channel in the study area induced coastal erosion in the short-term by blocking littoral drifts; however, in the long-term, the beach can maintain the equilibrium shape. Saengsupavanich et al. [4] studied coastal erosion in Southern Thailand. They applied the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in the study. Aerial photographs and satellite images were used to determine historical changes of the study area. They mentioned that the mangrove forest in the area was deforested for shrimp farming; this was the cause of erosion in the area. A line model was used to evaluate the suitable countermeasure. By the contribution of stakeholders in the selection of measurements, a combination of detached breakwaters and a beach nourishment is the most suitable countermeasures for the area.

[1] Satawat, D., and Charusrojthanadech, N. (2015). “Study on Safety to a Storm Surge at Sangchan Beach,” Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 21-26 June, Kona, Hawaii, USA.

[2] Ca, V.T.; Yamamoto, Y.; Tanimoto, K.; and Arimura, J. (2002). “Simulation of Wave Dynamics and Scouring Near Coastal Structures by a Numerical Model,” Coastal Engineering 2002, pp. 1817–1829, doi:10.1142/9789812791306_0153.

[3] Silarom K., Charusrojthanadech N., Sirikaew U., and Yamamoto Y. (2016). “Effect of Beach Change in Respond to Imposed Wave Condition and Coastal Structures in Chumphon Province,” Proceedings of the 21th National Convention on Civil Engineering, June 28 – 30, 2016, BP Samila Beach Hotel, Songkhla. (in Thai)

[4] Saengsupavanich, C., Chonwattana, S., and Naimsampao, T. (2009). “Coastal Erosion through Integrated Management: A Case of Southern Thailand,” Ocean & Coastal Management, 52(6), pp. 307–316. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2009.03.005